
Social contribution activities General incorporated association Tasaka scholarship

1. Scholarship for study abroad students in Japan

Since 2004, we have been providing scholarships to students from universities and graduate schools of the Fukuoka prefecture, who are examplary scholer and a high achievier in academic, but are struggling of financial resons. By doing so, we promote communications and interactions with overseas countries.

Our programs include
1. Scholarship support
2. Education (once a month)
3. Cultral exchange among the students. (once a month)

2. Scholarship for local high school students

Since 2007, we have been providing scholarships to local high school students who are examplary scholer and a high achievier in academic, but are struggling of financial resons.

3. Academic grant

Since 2017, we have been supporting local middle school, high school, and universities financially for educatioal material supplies and other expences. Our aim is for the students to thrive physically and mentally.